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Condensers, Cooling towers, Evaporative condensers, Ventilators

Evapco LSCB-185-condens609kw- 1.jpg
Evapco LSCB-185-condens609kw- 1.jpg Evapco LSCB-185-609kw- 2.jpg Evapco LSCB-185-condens609kw- 3.jpg Evapco LSCB-185-condens609kw-4.jpg nixel.gif

Description / remarks: 

Used evaporative condenser, brand Evapco, type LSCB-185. This evaporative condenser in very good condition (no lime or rust on the pipe bundle and plating) is equipped with:

  • 1 piece fan of 7.5 kW
  • Water pump of 1.5 kW
  • Water float
  • Heating element

Cooling capacity quoted is with the refrigerant R717/ammonia at a condensing temperature of +35°C with a wet cool temperature of +22°C.

Cooling capacity:
690 kW/202 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Absorbed power:
12 kW
Year of Manufacture:
Dimensions (LxWxH):
405 x 215 x 319 cm
Comron Used To Cool