Used Spiral Freezer: Frigoscandia/JBT GYRoCOMPACT type M6-08-48-14-NE-CCR, order nr. 1160285. This in new condition spiral freezer, always maintained by Frigoscandia/JBT and has been in production for only 4555 running hours. Production capacity of the Frigoscandia spiral freezer is between 2.500kg/h and the 3.000kg/h depending on the product data and infeed temperature. Specifications of this used Frigoscandia spiral freezer:
- Infeed / outfeed: North/East (if desired, we can deliver it in North/South or North/North configuration at extra cost)
- Direction of rotation of the belt: counter-clockwise
- Gross/net belt width: 660mm / 615mm
- Maximum product height 65mm
- Number of tiers: 48, (11.2m per tier = total 537.6m) belt surface 273,6m²
- Goedhart/GEA Stainless steel evaporator, type coil Frigoscandia14, with 2 pieces high pressure fans
- Original stainless steel switch-board cabinet equipped with Siemens S7 1200 serial, HMI touchscreen with graphical display
- Stainless steel LVS system/tank (low volume system for low ammonia content, higher efficiency evaporators-coils, none ammonia circulation pumps needed)
- Original isolated floor, divided in three pieces with stainless covering
- Ammonia Frigo-pack freeze installation, built in a 20 ft container for outdoor application, type FPL 240 and has been in production for only 4555 running hours and consist of: 1 piece Grasso/GEA SP1-SB-3B screw package, with Leroy-Somer 200kW E-motor, control box with starters and Siemens PLC, eco vessel/tank, Baltimore evaporating condenser type VCL 140M, ammonia detection system
- Total absorbed E-power Spiral Freezer and Frigo-pack Ammonia freezing plant approx. 233 kW
Spiral freezer will be delivered without isolated panels/housing (if desired, this can be also arranged by Comron International BV).
The spiral freezer will be completely checked by Comron International after sale in case of mechanical/electrical defects. The gearboxes will be supplied with new oil, the evaporator blocks will be tested on nitrogen pressure and the spiral freezer will be delivered with a 3 months guarantee on the main components.