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Condensers, Cooling towers, Evaporative condensers, Ventilators

ebm-papst pic1-0kw ventilator.jpg
ebm-papst pic1-0kw ventilator.jpg New fan pic2-Condenser EC Ventilator0kW.jpg New fan pic3-Condenser EC Ventilator0kW.jpg nixel.gif nixel.gif

Description / remarks: 

Used condenser EC ventilators, brand ebmpapst type W3G800-GU23-7. Very suitable for various air cooled condensers/dry coolers.
Technical specifications:

  • Ø800
  • EC-motor
  • 50/60 Hz
  • 2.56 kW
  • 3-380/480V
  • 1020 RPM
  • Die-cast aluminum with galvanized housing, painted black
  • 230 Pa discharge head
  • Number of blades: 5 (plastic)
  • Direction of the blades: clockwise
  • Degree of protection IP55
  • Minimum/maximum operating temperature -40°C / +80°C
  • Output 10 VDC, max 10 mA external 24V input

15 in stock
Cooling capacity:
0 kW/0 tons
380/480 V
Year of Manufacture:
Weight (kg):
46 kg

GEA Goedhart ZiehlAbegg 1.jpg
GEA Goedhart ZiehlAbegg 1.jpg GEA Goedhart ZiehlAbegg 2.jpg GEA Goedhart ZiehlAbegg 3.jpg nixel.gif nixel.gif

Description / remarks: 

New, still in the original package condenser EC ventilators, brand Ziehl abegg type FN063-ZIQ.DG.A7P2. Very suitable for various air cooled condensers/dry coolers.
Technical specifications:

  • Ø Blade 696MM
  • EC blue-motor
  • 50/60 Hz
  • 1.25/2.5 kW
  • 380/480V
  • Airflow 6000 m³/h
  • Max. 57 Pa discharge head
  • Acoustics 65/70-dB
  • Max. 1200 RPM
  • Die-cast aluminum with galvanized housing
  • Number of blades: 7 (Plastic)
  • Degree of protection IP55
  • Maximum operating temperature +60°C

9 in stock
Cooling capacity:
kW/ tons
3-380-480 V
Year of Manufacture:
Weight (kg):
25.2 kg

Zieh Abegg FN050-ZID.DC. 1-Ventilators.jpg
Zieh Abegg FN050-ZID.DC. 1-Ventilators.jpg Zieh Abegg FN050-ZID.DC. 2-Ventilators.jpg Zieh Abegg FN050-ZID.DC. 3-Ventilators.jpg nixel.gif nixel.gif

Description / remarks: 

New, still in the original package condenser EC ventilators, brand Ziehl abegg type FN050-ZID.DC.A7P2. Very suitable for various air cooled condensers/dry coolers.
Technical specifications:

  • Ø Blade 497.5MM
  • EC blue-motor
  • 50/60 Hz
  • 1.25/2.5 kW
  • 380/480V
  • Max. airflow 5500 m³/h
  • Max. 240 Pa discharge head
  • Acoustics 76-dB
  • Max. 1340 RPM
  • Die-cast aluminum with galvanized housing
  • Number of blades: 7 (Plastic)
  • Degree of protection IP54
  • Minimum/maximum operating temperature -40°/+70°C


13 in stock
Cooling capacity:
kW/ tons
380/480 V
Year of Manufacture:
Weight (kg):
12k kg

FN05-VDF.41.V7P1 Pic1.jpg
FN05-VDF.41.V7P1 Pic1.jpg FN05-VDF.41.V7P1 Pic2.jpg FN05-VDF.41.V7P1 Pic3.jpg nixel.gif nixel.gif

Description / remarks: 

New, still in the original package condenser AC ventilators, brand Ziehl abegg type FN050-VDF.4I.V7P1. Very suitable for various air cooled condensers/dry coolers.
Technical specifications:

  • Ø Blade 497.5MM
  • AC-motor
  • 50 Hz
  • 0.84 kW
  • 400V
  • Max. airflow 4500 m³/h
  • Max. 175 Pa discharge head
  • Acoustics 75-dB
  • Max. 1340 RPM
  • Die-cast aluminum with galvanized housing
  • Number of blades: 7 (Aluminum, uncoated)
  • Degree of protection IP54
  • Minimum/maximum operating temperature -40°/+70°C

12 in stock
Cooling capacity:
kW/ tons
400 V
Year of Manufacture:
Weight (kg):
17 kg

Zieh Abegg FE063-VDW.6N 1 ventilators.jpg
Zieh Abegg FE063-VDW.6N 1 ventilators.jpg Zieh Abegg FE063-VDW.6N2ventilators.jpg Zieh Abegg FE063-VDW.6N 3 ventilators.jpg nixel.gif nixel.gif

Description / remarks: 

New, still in the original package condenser AC ventilators, brand Ziehl abegg type FE063-VDW.6N.A5. Very suitable for various air cooled condensers/dry coolers.
Technical specifications:

  • Ø Blade  60 MM
  • 50Hz
  • Max. 1.45 kW
  • 3-400 V
  • 1080/1330 RPM
  • Number of blades: 5 (Aluminum, uncoated)
  • Maximum operating temperature +70°C

1 in stock
Cooling capacity:
kW/ tons
400 V
Year of Manufacture:
Weight (kg):
30 kg

FE080-ADS.6N.V Pic1ventilators.jpg
FE080-ADS.6N.V Pic1ventilators.jpg FE080-ADS.6N.V Pic2ventilators.jpg FE080-ADS.6N.V Pic3ventilators.jpg nixel.gif nixel.gif

Description / remarks: 

New, still in the original package condenser ventilators, brand Ziehl abegg type FE080-ADS.6N.V7. Very suitable for various air cooled condensers/dry coolers.
Technical specifications:

  • Ø Blade  75 MM
  • 50Hz
  • Max. 0.69 kW
  • 3-400 V
  • 530/680 RPM
  • Number of blades: 7 (Aluminum, uncoated)
  • Maximum operating temperature +65°C

2 in stock
Cooling capacity:
kW/ tons
Year of Manufacture:

cond.120kW-IMG_1273.jpg cond.120kW-IMG_1272.jpg cond.120kW-IMG_1274.jpg nixel.gif nixel.gif

Description / remarks:  Used and in good condition: air-cooled Güntner condenser Project nr. Güntner 313753, equipped with 3 pieces 220V ventilators each 0.4 kW.

Cooling capacity:
120 kW/35 tons
Type of refrigerant:
All Freon
220 V
Absorbed power:
1,2 kW
Year of Manufacture:
Dimensions (LxWxH):
421 x 108 x 110 cm
Weight (kg):
335 kg

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Description / remarks:  Used and in condition as new: air-cooled NH3 ammonia condenser, equipped with 3 ventilators, 880 RPM. Mentioned cooling capacity is at 45°C condensing temperature and ambient temperature of 30°C. Noise pressure level at 10m is 56dB(A).

2 in stock
Cooling capacity:
196 kW/58 tons
Type of refrigerant:
NH3 Ammonia
380 V
Absorbed power:
2 kW
Year of Manufacture:
Dimensions (LxWxH):
740 x 114 x 143 cm
Weight (kg):
984 kg

GuntnerS-AGVH-090.2a2-1-215kw cond.jpg
GuntnerS-AGVH-090.2a2-1-215kw cond.jpg GuntnerS-AGVH-090.2a2-2-215kw cond.jpg nixel.gif nixel.gif nixel.gif

Description / remarks: 

Used air-cooled condenser, brand Güntner type S-AGVH-090. 2a /2-NS. This in very good condition air-cooled condenser is equipped with:

  • 2 pieces  ventilators, each 2,7kW/ 890RPM
  • Air flow 55.200 m³/h
  • Pressure certificates

Mentioned cooling capacity of 215kW is with the refrigerant R717/ammonia at condensing temp. of + 40°C an air inlet temp. +25°C ΔT 15K.

Cooling capacity:
215 kW/63 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Absorbed power:
7,2 kW
Year of Manufacture:
Dimensions (LxWxH):
433 x 115 x 146 cm
Weight (kg):
566 kg

IMG_7705-399kw.condensor.jpg IMG_7706-399kw.condensor.jpg IMG_7707-399kw.condensor.jpg IMG_7701-399kw.condensor.jpg nixel.gif

Description / remarks: 

Used air-cooled condenser, brand Goedhart type FEAL-90M/4-6P. This in very good condition air-cooled condenser is equipped with:

  • 4 pieces  ventilators, each Ø900 / 3,6kW/2,5kW/ 890RPM/700RPM
  • Air flow 104.890 m3/h
  • Surface 924 m2
  • Coil volume 96 dm3

Mentioned cooling capacity of 399kW is with the refrigerant R717/ammonia at condensing temp. of + 40°C at an air inlet temp. +25°C at high speed, at low speed 335kW.

Cooling capacity:
399 kW/117.35 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Absorbed power:
14,4 kW
Year of Manufacture:
Dimensions (LxWxH):
720 x 118 x 136 cm
Weight (kg):
1.020 kg

Pic1GEA-GoedhartKoal-condenser 404kw.jpg
Pic1GEA-GoedhartKoal-condenser 404kw.jpg Pic2GEA-GoedhartKoal-condenser 404kw.jpg Pic3GEA-GoedhartKoal-condenser 404kw.jpg Pic4GEA-GoedhartKoal-condenser 404kw.jpg Pic5GEA-GoedhartKoal-condenser 404kw.jpg

Description / remarks: 

Used air-cooled condenser, brand GEA-Goedhart Koal-G-N-4690D-C-6p (D). This in very good condition air-cooled condenser is equipped with:

  • 6 Pieces Sud electric ventilators 740/900 RPM, 1.6/2.4Kw
  • Coil volume 227.00 Ltr
  • Max. operating pressure 32 Bar
  • 2 Freon sections

Mentioned cooling capacity of 404kW is with the refrigerant R507 at condensing temp. of + 35°C at an ambient temp. of +25°C.

2 in stock
Cooling capacity:
404 kW/118.82 tons
400 V
Absorbed power:
14 kW
Year of Manufacture:
Dimensions (LxWxH):
633 x 236 x 202 cm
Weight (kg):
1.500 kg

IMG_0499.JPG IMG_0486.JPG IMG_0488.JPG IMG_0491.JPG IMG_0493.JPG

Description / remarks:  Used and in condition as new, air-cooled Güntner condenser, model GVH 080.3A/2x6-E(D).E, equipped with 12 VTO 1267 ventilators, each 0,25 kW, two junction boxes with work switches. Project nr. Güntner: 441801. Mentioned capacity of 410kW is at +40°C condensing temperature with refrigerant R507A and an ambient temperature of +26°C. This condenser is equipped as low noise 39dB(A).

Cooling capacity:
410 kW/121 tons
Number of cooling circuits:
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Absorbed power:
3 kW
Year of Manufacture:
Dimensions (LxWxH):
1175 x 226 x 143 cm
Weight (kg):
2066 kg

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Description / remarks: 

Used: as new, air-cooled NH3/ammonia condenser, equipped with Güntner electronic rev speed control, switchbox, TüV certificates. Cooling capacity per condenser is 410 kW at a condensing temperature of 42°C. Note: Condenser can be also converted to a water / glycol application at Comron International and equipped with DN water flanges.

2 in stock
Cooling capacity:
410 kW/121 tons
Number of cooling circuits:
Type of refrigerant:
NH3 Ammonia
380 V
Year of Manufacture:
Dimensions (LxWxH):
1040 x 240 x 175 cm
Weight (kg):
3.000 kg

cond.530kw-IMG_2709.jpg cond.530kw-IMG_2711.jpg cond.530kw-IMG_2710.jpg cond.530kw-IMG_2708.jpg cond.530kw-IMG_2754.jpg

Description / remarks:  Used Güntner air-cooled condenser, type S-GVH-090-2A/2x5-E(D), equipped with 10 ventilators, diameter 900mm. Mentioned capacity of 530kW is with refrigerant R404A at a condensing temperature of + 40°C and a ΔT of 15°C at an ambient temperature of +25°C.

Cooling capacity:
530 kW/156 tons
Type of refrigerant:
R507/All Freon
400 V
Absorbed power:
7 kW
Year of Manufacture:
Dimensions (LxWxH):
1000 x 229 x 146 cm
Weight (kg):
1792 kg

Foto Güntner dry cooler 533kw 1.jpg
Foto Güntner dry cooler 533kw 1.jpg Foto Güntner dry cooler 533kw 2.jpg Foto Güntner dry cooler 533kw 3.jpg Foto Güntner dry cooler 533kw 4.jpg Foto Güntner dry cooler 533kw 5.jpg

Description / remarks: 

Used dry cooler, brand Güntner S.GFH-080-3A / 2 x 4 – L (D) F6 / 3PE low noise version.

This in very good condition dry cooler , is equipped with:


  • 8 pieces of Ziehl ABBGG fans, each 0.8kW at 460V at 60Hz.
  • Water-resistant control box with variable speed control for the fans by means of frequency converter andrelays with thermal protection
  • Dry cooler capacity 270L.


Mentioned cooling capacity of 533kW is with a water/glycol mixture of 34% at an inlet/outlet temp. of +40°C/+35°C with an ambient temperature of +25°C.

Flow of 100m³/h, noise production 57 dB(A).

14 in stock
Cooling capacity:
533 kW/157 tons
Type of refrigerant:
50/60Hz 400 V/460 V
Absorbed power:
7 kW
Year of Manufacture:
Dimensions (LxWxH):
865 x 229 x 143 cm
Weight (kg):
1.610 kg

Foto 1-29-Cabero condensor 650kw.jpg
Foto 1-29-Cabero condensor 650kw.jpg Foto 2-21-Cabero condensor 650kw.jpg Foto 3-15-Cabero condensor 650kw.jpg Foto 4-12-Cabero condensor 650kw.jpg Foto 5-12-Cabero condensor 650kw.jpg

Description / remarks: 

Used air-cooled condenser, brand Cabero ACHAD097MB/2x6S-40 D (ZA) EC B.

This air-cooled condenser in very good condition is equipped with:

  • 12 pcs Ziehl - ABEGG fans, each 0.68 / 1.28kW/50-60Hz/400/480V.
  • Pressure certificates / PED No.13445:2009
  • Stainless steel pipe bundle with coated aluminum fins.
  • Surface 2350m²

Listed cooling capacity of about 555kW is with the refrigerant R717/ammonia at a condensing temp. of +40°C air entering temp. of +30°C.


Cooling capacity:
555 kW/163 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V / 480 V
Absorbed power:
15 kW
Year of Manufacture:
Dimensions (LxWxH):
1080x 231 x 218 cm

IMG_2615-559kw.Condensor.jpg IMG_2614-559kw.Condensor.jpg IMG_2616-559kw.Condensor.jpg nixel.gif nixel.gif

Description / remarks: 

Used water-cooled condenser (Q-plate), brand VAHTERUS type PSHE 5 HH-156/1/1. This water-cooled condenser is in very good condition and designed for a cooling capacity of 559kW at a condensing temperature of +35°C with the refrigerant R410A/R717/water at freon inlet/outlet temperature of +62°C/+26,5°C  a water outlet temperature of +15°C and a water inlet temperature of +20.2°C.

2 in stock
Cooling capacity:
559 kW/164.41 tons
Type of refrigerant:
Year of Manufacture:
Weight (kg):
850 kg

Foto 1-Thermofin condensor 608kw.jpg
Foto 1-Thermofin condensor 608kw.jpg Foto 2-Thermofin condensor 608kw.jpg Foto 3-Thermofin condensor 608kw.jpg Foto 4-Thermofin condensor 608kw.jpg Foto 5-Thermofin condensor 608kw.jpg

Description / remarks: 

Used air-cooled condenser, brand Thermofin type X-TACH.3-091-25-C-S-DE-BC-02. This in very good condition air-cooled condenser is equipped with:

  • 10 pieces EBMPAPS, 800RPM/Min, 1,58kW.
  • Pressure certificates / PED
  • Stainless steel piping bundle with coated aluminum fins.
  • Surface 2807 m².
  • Tube volume 269L

Mentioned cooling capacity of 608W is with the refrigerant R717/ammonia at condensing temp. of + 40°C and air inlet temp. of +30°C.

5 in stock
Cooling capacity:
608 kW/178 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V / 480 V
Absorbed power:
14 kW
Year of Manufacture:
Dimensions (LxWxH):
1193 x 229 x 151 cm
Weight (kg):
2.264 kg

IMG_1226cond-609kW.jpg IMG_1224cond-609kW.jpg IMG_1223cond-609kW.jpg IMG_1225cond-609kW.jpg nixel.gif

Description / remarks:  Used: air-cooled condenser brand Güntner, type S-GVH 090.2A/2x3 – N (S). This condenser is in very good condition and is equipped with 6 ventilators diameter 900 mm, distribution box with work switches and relays, noise production 64 dB(A) on delta switch and 58 dB(A) on star switch. Project number Güntner 450311. Mentioned cooling capacity of 609 kW is at +40°C condensing with a ΔT of +15°C and an ambient temperature of +25°C.

1 in stock
Cooling capacity:
609 kW/179 tons
Type of refrigerant:
R404/507 All
400 V
Absorbed power:
8,5 kW
Year of Manufacture:
Dimensions (LxWxH):
620 x 229,1 x 146,0 cm
Weight (kg):
1377 kg

Evapco LSCB-185-condens609kw- 1.jpg
Evapco LSCB-185-condens609kw- 1.jpg Evapco LSCB-185-609kw- 2.jpg Evapco LSCB-185-condens609kw- 3.jpg Evapco LSCB-185-condens609kw-4.jpg nixel.gif

Description / remarks: 

Used evaporative condenser, brand Evapco, type LSCB-185. This evaporative condenser in very good condition (no lime or rust on the pipe bundle and plating) is equipped with:

  • 1 piece fan of 7.5 kW
  • Water pump of 1.5 kW
  • Water float
  • Heating element

Cooling capacity quoted is with the refrigerant R717/ammonia at a condensing temperature of +35°C with a wet cool temperature of +22°C.

Cooling capacity:
690 kW/202 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Absorbed power:
12 kW
Year of Manufacture:
Dimensions (LxWxH):
405 x 215 x 319 cm

Foto 1-17-690kw condernsor.jpg
Foto 1-17-690kw condernsor.jpg Foto 2-14-690kw condernsor.jpg Foto 3-8-690kw condernsor.jpg Foto 4-6-690kw condernsor.jpg Foto 5-6-690kw condernsor.jpg

Description / remarks: 

Used evaporating condenser, brand Baltimore, type VXC-185R. This in good condition evaporating condenser is equipped with:

  • Ventilator motor of 11kW (1450RPM)
  • Water pump (separately)
  • Water floater 
  • Heating element
  • PED certificates

Mentioned cooling capacity of 690 kW is at a condensing temperature of +35°C and wet bulb temperature of +22°C with the refrigerant R717/ammonia.

Cooling capacity:
690 kW/202 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Absorbed power:
11 kW
Year of Manufacture:
Dimensions (LxWxH):
365 x 150 x 330 cm
Weight (kg):
4020 kg

koeltorenIMG_0350.jpg koeltorenIMG_0348.jpg koeltorenIMG_0349.jpg koeltorenIMG_0351.jpg koeltorenIMG_0346.jpg

Description / remarks:  Used and in very good condition: Gohl open cooling tower, model DT 2/82 Z, equipped with 30 kW ventilator, water floater, heating element and switch-board with frequency control for the ventilator, temperature controlled. Mentioned capacity is at a water inlet temperature of +29°C in and +24°C outlet temperature, a wet bulb temperature of+22°C and water amount of 125 m³/h.

Cooling capacity:
700 kW/206 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Absorbed power:
5-25 kW
Year of Manufacture:
Dimensions (LxWxH):
550 x 245 x 400 cm

Foto 1-32-Condenser 764kW .jpg
Foto 1-32-Condenser 764kW .jpg Foto 2-24-Condenser 764kW .jpg Foto 3-18-Condenser 764kW .jpg Foto 4-16-Condenser 764kW .jpg Foto 5-15-Condenser 764kW .jpg

Description / remarks: 

Used evaporating condenser, brand Baltimore, type VXC-205. This in good condition evaporating condenser( no rust or lime on the piping bundles) is equipped with:

  • Ventilator motor of 18,5kW.
  • Water pump 1,5kW.
  • Water floater. 
  • Heating element.
  • PED certificates.

Mentioned cooling capacity of 764 kW is at a condensing temperature of +35°C and wet bulb temperature of +22°C with the refrigerant R717/ammonia.

Cooling capacity:
764 kW/225 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Absorbed power:
20 kW
Year of Manufacture:
Dimensions (LxWxH):
365 x 150 x 360 cm
Weight (kg):
4000 kg

27_INK-2218-verdampingscond-780kw.jpg 26_INK-2218-verdampingscond-780kw.jpg 25_INK-2218-verdampingscond-780kw.jpg nixel.gif nixel.gif

Description / remarks: 

Used evaporating condenser, brand Baltimore, type CXV-147 R. This, in good condition Baltimore hybrid evaporating condenser (no scale or rust on the coils, housing and plastic packages) is equipped with:

  • Fan motors of 2 x 5,5/1,1kW / 1500/750RPM
  • Water floater 
  • Heating element

Mentioned cooling capacity is at a condensing temperature of +35°C and wet bulb temperature of +22°C with the refrigerant R717/ammonia. 
Cooling capacity at t a condensing temperature of +32°C and wet bulb temperature of +20°C is 660kW.

Cooling capacity:
780 kW/229.41 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Absorbed power:
11 kW
Year of Manufacture:
Dimensions (LxWxH):
277 x 238 x 398 cm
Weight (kg):
3.640 kg

Foto 1-6-verdampingscond. Evapco 872kw.jpg
Foto 1-6-verdampingscond. Evapco 872kw.jpg Foto 2-4-verdampingscond. Evapco 872kw.jpg Foto 3-4-verdampingscond. Evapco 872kw.jpg Foto 4-3--verdampingscond. Evapco 872kw.jpg Foto 5-2-verdampingscond. Evapco 872kw.jpg

Description / remarks: 

Used evaporative condenser, brand Evapco, type ATC-M233-1G. This evaporative condenser in very good condition (no lime or rust on the pipe bundle and plating) is equipped with:

  • 1 piece fan of 7.5 kW
  • Water pump of 2.2 kW
  • Water float
  • Heating element (2x 5kW)
  • PED Certificate

Cooling capacity listed is with the refrigerant R717/ammonia at a condensing temperature of +35°C with a wet bulb temperature of +22°C.

Cooling capacity:
872 kW/256 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Absorbed power:
9,7 kW
Year of Manufacture:
Dimensions (LxWxH):
319x228x363 cm
Weight (kg):
4,585 kg

Foto 1-dry cooler 921kw.jpg
Foto 1-dry cooler 921kw.jpg Foto 2-dry cooler 921kw.jpg Foto 3-dry cooler 921kw.jpg Foto 4-dry cooler 921kw.jpg nixel.gif

Description / remarks: 

Used dry cooler, brand Refrion type ESNC2710.6/2D. This dry cooler in very good condition is equipped with:

  • 14 pieces of fans type EC.
  • Water-resistant control cabinet with controller for the electronic speed control EC fans.
  • In V-arrangement copper/ aluminium heat exchangers.

Mentioned capacity of 921kW is with 79m³/H a water flow at inlet/outlet temp. of +28°C/+18°C at an ambient temperature of +16

15 in stock
Cooling capacity:
921 kW/271 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Absorbed power:
23,4 kW
Year of Manufacture:
Dimensions (LxWxH):
1050 x 240 x 287 cm
Weight (kg):
5.100 kg

IMG_0083-944kw.verdampcond.jpg IMG_0085-944kw.verdampcond.jpg IMG_0084-944kw.verdampcond.jpg IMG_0090-944kw.verdampcond.jpg nixel.gif

Description / remarks: 

Used evaporating condenser, brand Evapco, type ATC-M252-1G. This, in very good condition evaporating condenser (no scale or rust on the coils and housing) is equipped with:

  • 1 piece ventilator of 7,5 kW
  • Water pump of 2,2 kW
  • Water floater 
  • Heating element (2x 5kW)

Mentioned cooling capacity is at a condensing temperature of +35°C and wet bulb temperature of +22°C with the refrigerant R717/ammonia.

Cooling capacity:
944 kW/277.64 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Absorbed power:
9,7 kW
Year of Manufacture:
Dimensions (LxWxH):
319 x 228 x 363 cm
Weight (kg):
4.585 kg

IMG_0402_978kw.cond.jpg IMG_0403_978kw.cond.jpg IMG_0406_978kw.cond.jpg IMG_0410_978kw.cond.jpg IMG_0408_978kw.cond.jpg

Description / remarks:  Used and in a very good condition: Güntner air-cooled condenser type GVH 080.3A/2x6-N(S)E is equipped with 12 pieces ventilators each 1.7kW, noise emission is 58dB(A) with maintenance switch. Mentioned capacity is at a condensing temperature of + 40°C with refrigerant R404A and a ΔT of 15°C at full speed, capacity at low speed is 801kW.

Cooling capacity:
978 kW/288 tons
Number of cooling circuits:
Type of refrigerant:
All Freon
400 V
Absorbed power:
20.8 kW
Year of Manufacture:
Dimensions (LxWxH):
1190 x 229 x 143 cm
Weight (kg):
2.468 kg

IMG_9162verdampingscond.-1245kw.jpg IMG_9161verdampingscond.-1245kw.jpg IMG_9166verdampingscond.-1245kw.jpg IMG_9174verdampingscond.-1245kw.jpg IMG_9168verdampingscond.-1245kw.jpg

Description / remarks: 

Used evaporating condenser, brand Baltimore, type CXVE_244-1012-15L R. This, in condition as new Baltimore hybrid evaporating condenser (no scale or rust on the coils, housing and plastic packages) is equipped with:

  • Ventilator motors of 2 x 5,5kW
  • Water pump of 5,5kW
  • Water floater 
  • Heating element
  • PED certificates 

Mentioned cooling capacity of 1245 kW is at a condensing temperature of +35°C and wet bulb temperature of +22°C with the refrigerant R717/ammonia.

Cooling capacity:
1245 kW/366.17 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Absorbed power:
16,5 kW
Year of Manufacture:
Dimensions (LxWxH):
412 x 299 x 519 cm
Weight (kg):
5.130 kg

PHOTO1GuntnerSuissesCooler1500kW.jpg PHOTO2GuntnerSuissesCooler1500kW.jpg PHOTO3GuntnerSuissesCooler1500kW.jpg PHOTO4GuntnerSuissesCooler1500kW.jpg PHOTO5GuntnerSuissesCooler1500kW.jpg

Description / remarks: 

Used dry cooler, brand Güntner, type HTK 2.4/9.6-25-P2-CU-ELF6. This dry cooler, which is in very good condition, is equipped with:

  • 4 Pieces 5.5 kW ventilator motor, IP 54, 1460 RPM
  • Waterproof control box with frequency controlled fan speed
  • Automatically water spray system to reduce the water/glycol temperature in summer time
  • Flens connection DN200

Mentioned cooling capacity of 1500kW is with a water/glycol mixture of 30% at inlet/outlet temp. from +32°C/+27°C, air inlet temp. of +25° and 276.5 m³/h.

3 in stock
Cooling capacity:
1500 kW/441 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Absorbed power:
14 kW
Year of Manufacture:
Dimensions (LxWxH):
1120 x 244 x 373 cm
Weight (kg):
11.038 kg

Foto 1-Baltimore koeltoren 1500kw.jpg
Foto 1-Baltimore koeltoren 1500kw.jpg Foto 2-Baltimore koeltoren 1500kw.jpg Foto 3-Baltimore koeltoren 1500kw.jpg Foto 4-Baltimore koeltoren 1500kw.jpg nixel.gif

Description / remarks: 

Used open cooling tower brand Baltimore type S15E-0809-06-GE Serial number H210834201, this in new condition, built in 2021 and put into operation in 2022, is equipped with the following main components:

  • 3 fans 2.2 kW
  • Heating element
  • External water pump 130m³/h

The mentioned capacity of 1,500kW is with a water inlet of +40°C and an outlet of +30°C with a water flow of 130m³/h. Wet bulb temperature +22°C at an ambient temperature of +25°C.

Cooling capacity:
1500 kW/441 tons
Type of refrigerant:
Water/ H²O
Absorbed power:
2 kW
Year of Manufacture:
Dimensions (LxWxH):
274 x 238 x 333 cm
Weight (kg):
1.734 kg

IMG_3276_1663kw.koeltoren.jpg IMG_3277_1663kw.koeltoren.jpg IMG_3278_1663kw.koeltoren.jpg IMG_3279_1663kw.koeltoren.jpg nixel.gif

Description / remarks: 

Used open cooling tower, brand Baltimore, type FXT 160R. Mentioned capacity is at a wet bulb temperature of +22°C 95m3/h with a water inlet temperature of +45°C and a water outlet temperature of +30°C. If other capacities are desired, please contact us and we can make the correct capacity calculation for you.

1 in stock
Cooling capacity:
1663 kW/489 tons
Type of refrigerant:
Water/ H2O
Absorbed power:
5,5 kW
Year of Manufacture:
Dimensions (LxWxH):
390 x 223 x 265 cm
Weight (kg):
1.310 kg

Foto 1-condenser 2667 kW.jpg
Foto 1-condenser 2667 kW.jpg Foto 2-condenser 2667 kW.jpg Foto 3-condenser 2667 kW.jpg Foto 4-condenser 2667 kW.jpg Foto 5-condenser 2667 kW.jpg

Description / remarks: 

Used evaporating condenser, brand Baltimore, type VXC-715 R. This in good condition evaporating condenser( no rust or lime on the piping bundles) is equipped with:

  • Ventilator motor 2 pcs of 22 kW each.
  • Water pump 4kW.
  • Heating element.
  • PED certificates.
  • Serie number H02-715R
  • Serie number PED H160257601
  • Year of manufacture 2002


Mentioned cooling capacity of 2667 kW is at a condensing temperature of +35°C and wet bulb temperature of +22°C with the refrigerant R717/ammonia.

Cooling capacity:
2667 kW/784 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Absorbed power:
48 kW
Year of Manufacture:
Dimensions (LxWxH):
540 x 365 x 435 cm
Weight (kg):
11.855 kg

Comron Used To Cool