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Compressors, Condensing units

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Description / remarks: 

Used: Grasso screw package. This Grasso screw package is in very well maintained condition and equipped with a Schorch 22kW E-motor, horizontal oil separator, oil pump, water-cooled oil cooler shell & tube type, eco connection, switch-board with Unisab II controller, serial number unit 7886. Screw package will be delivered with all necessary PED certificates. Mentioned cooling capacity is with the refrigerant R717 at -40°/+35°C, absorbed power approx. 31kW.

Cooling capacity:
37 kW/11 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Absorbed power:
31 kW
Year of Manufacture:

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Description / remarks:  Used and in good condition: complete Grasso direct driven 4-2-10 2 stage low temperature piston package, consisting of the following main components: Schorch 55 kW E-motor, 1465 RPM, Grasso/Gea controller, oil separator with heating, closed intercooler with injection, capacity control.

Cooling capacity:
55 kW/16 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Absorbed power:
55 kW
Year of Manufacture:
Dimensions (LxWxH):
210 x 105 x 150 cm
Weight (kg):
900 kg

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Description / remarks:  Used and in very good maintained condition: complete Grasso V-belt driven 4 cylinder piston package, consisting of a 37 kW E-Motor Leroy Somer, oil separator, all security devices. Mentioned cooling capacity is at -10°C/+40°C.

2 in stock
Cooling capacity:
69 kW/20 tons
Type of refrigerant:
R717/All Freon
400 V
Absorbed power:
37 kW
Year of Manufacture:

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Description / remarks:  Used and in very good condition and well maintened: complete Grasso/GEA freeze screw package, performed with a 37 kW Schorch E-motor, vertical oilseparator, water-cooled oilcooler type plate heatexchanger, eco connection, Grasso controller. Grasso screw package is supplied with the necessary Tüv-certificates. Mentioned cooling capacity of 85 kW is at an evaporating temperature of -40 °C and +35 °C condensing temperature with eco, refrigerant ammonia. If required we can provide this refrigerator/freezer compressor with a larger E-motor.

2 in stock
Cooling capacity:
85 kW/25 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Absorbed power:
37 kW
Year of Manufacture:

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Description / remarks:  Used and in good condition: complete Grasso/GEA RC 4-9 direct driven piston compressor package, consisting of the following main components: Schorch 37kW E-motor 975RPM, Grasso/GEA controller, oil separator, switch-board with star/delta switch. Mentioned cooling capacity is with refrigerant R717 ammonia at an evaporating temperature of 0°C and +35°C condensing temperature, speed of the motor 975RPM.

Cooling capacity:
100 kW/29 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Absorbed power:
30 kW
Year of Manufacture:

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Description / remarks: 

Used and in good maintained condition: complete Grasso direct drive 8 cylinder piston package, consisting of a 55 kW Schorch E-Motor, year 2004, oil separator, all security devices. Mentioned cooling capacity is at -10°C/+40°C.

2 in stock
Cooling capacity:
110 kW/32 tons
Type of refrigerant:
R717/All Freon
Absorbed power:
55 kW
Year of Manufacture:

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Description / remarks:  Complete used Grasso cooling compressor package, consisting of oil separator, Leroy Somer E-motor, Grasso computer.

2 in stock
Cooling capacity:
118 kW/35 tons
Type of refrigerant:
Absorbed power:
75 kW
Year of Manufacture:

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Description / remarks: 

Used Grasso/GEA two stage piston package. This in very good condition direct driven piston package is equipped with :

  • 1 piece Grasso/GEA two stage piston compressor type RC4212
  • Schorch 90kW E-motor
  • Oil separator
  • Closed intercooler
  • All necessary safety devices

Mentioned cooling capacity of 138kW is with R717/ammonia at -32°C/+30°C at 1000RPM.

Cooling capacity:
138 kW/40.58 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Absorbed power:
62 kW
Year of Manufacture:

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Description / remarks: 

Used piston package brand Grasso/GEA type 35HP for heat pump application. This in very good condition direct driven piston package consists of the following main components: 

  • 1 piece Grasso 3-cylinder piston compressor type 35HP, direct driven 
  • 45kW WEG E-motor (400V,50Hz,1475RPM / 460V,60Hz,1770RPM)
  • Vertical oil separator
  • Pressure gauge set
  • All security devices
  • All necessary pressure certificates

Mentioned cooling capacity of 170kW is with refrigerant R717/NH3 at +32°C /+70°C, 1200RPM.
Cooling capacity with refrigerant R717/NH3 at +5°C /+35°C on 1475RPM/50Hz is 106kW, absorbed power 18,5 kW.

2 in stock
Cooling capacity:
170 kW/50 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Absorbed power:
31,1 kW
Year of Manufacture:
Dimensions (LxWxH):
203 x 110 x 151 cm
Weight (kg):
1336 kg

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Description / remarks:  Used and in very good maintained condition: complete Grasso/GEA RC 6-9 direct drive piston package, consisting of the following main components: Schorch 90 kW E-motor 1470 RPM, oil separator. Mentioned cooling capacity is at an evaporating temperature of -10°C with the refrigerant ammonia.

1 in stock
Cooling capacity:
192 kW/56 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Absorbed power:
80 kW
Year of Manufacture:
Dimensions (LxWxH):
230 x 105 x 150 cm
Weight (kg):
1.300 kg

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Description / remarks:  Used and in good condition: complete Grasso/GEA 69 V-belt driven compressor package, consisting of the following main components: Leroy-Somer 75 kW E-motor, oil separator, pressure gauge set + security, V-belt protective hood. Mentioned cooling capacity is at an evaporating temperature of -10°C with the refrigerant Amonia.

4 in stock
Cooling capacity:
192 kW/56 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Absorbed power:
75 kW
Year of Manufacture:

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Description / remarks: 

Used and in condition as new (very few running hours: C1:11000 hours, C2: 8190 hours, C3: 3200 hours): 3 pieces Grasso/GEA piston package type 610, direct driven 1450 RPM, equipped with each a 75kW Leroy-Somer E-motor, oil separator, meter set. The compressors will be delivered with all necessary PED/TÜV certificates. Mentioned cooling capacity is with refrigerant R717 at -9°C evaporating temperature and +33°C condensing temperature.

1 in stock
Cooling capacity:
238 kW/70 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Absorbed power:
60 kW
Year of Manufacture:

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Description / remarks: 

Used single stage piston package, brand Grasso/GEA type RC411. This in good condition used Grasso/GEA RC 411 single stage compressor consist of the following main components: 

  • Grasso 4-cylinder piston compressor type RC411, V-belt driven
  • Schorch E-motor 75kW,1470 RPM - 400V 50Hz 460V 60Hz 1770RPM
  • Vertical oil separator
  • Pressure gauge set
  • All safety devices
  • V-belt protective hood

Mentioned cooling capacity of 260kW is with refrigerant R717/NH3 at -10°C /+35°C on 1000RPM.

1 in stock
Cooling capacity:
260 kW/76 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Absorbed power:
90 kW
Year of Manufacture:

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Description / remarks: 

Used Grasso/GEA V450 ammonia refrigeration compressor package. This refrigeration compressor is in very good condition and is equipped with the following main components:


  • WEG- E-motor 90kW 380/460V 50/60Hz.
  • Grasso maintenance monitor.
  • Swept volume 435 M3/h.
  • All the necessary protections.


mentioned cooling capacity of 335kW is condensing at an evaporation temperature of 0°C and +35°C.


Cooling capacity:
335 kW/99 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Absorbed power:
70 kW
Year of Manufacture:
Dimensions (LxWxH):
230 x 140 x 195 cm
Weight (kg):
1.500 kg

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Description / remarks: 

Used piston package, brand Grasso/GEA type RC611. This in good condition V-belt driven piston package consists of the following main components: 

  • Grasso 6-cylinder piston compressor type RC611, V-belt driven
  • 160kW E-motor Leroy-Somer
  • Vertical oil separator
  • Pressure gauge set
  • All safety devices 
  • V-belt protective hood
  • Flow rate 798 m3 /h 
  • Serial N. Unit 1: 950355  Unit 2: 56 Unit 3: 57

Mentioned cooling capacity is with refrigerant R717/NH3 at -10°C /+35°C on 1000RPM.

1 in stock
Cooling capacity:
390 kW/115 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Year of Manufacture:

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Description / remarks: 

Used piston package brand Grasso/GEA type RC611. This in good condition V-belt driven piston package consists of the following main components: 

  • Grasso 6-cylinder piston compressor type RC611, V-belt driven
  • Crompton Parkinson 110kW E-motor (400V,50Hz,1475RPM)
  • Vertical oil separator
  • Pressure gauge set
  • All safety devices 
  • V-belt protective hood
  • Compressor built in 2007, frame 1978

Mentioned cooling capacity of 443kW is with refrigerant R717/NH3 at -10°C /+35°C on 1000RPM.

1 in stock
Cooling capacity:
433 kW/127.35 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Absorbed power:
90 kW
Year of Manufacture:
Dimensions (LxWxH):
315 x 180 x 210 cm
Weight (kg):
4.000 kg

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Description / remarks: 

Used piston package brand Grasso/GEA type RC612. This in good condition V-belt driven piston package consists of the following main components: 

  • Grasso 6-cylinder piston compressor type RC612, V-belt driven
  • 110kW E-motor 
  • Vertical oil separator
  • Pressure gauge set
  • All safety devices 
  • V-belt protective hood

Mentioned cooling capacity is with refrigerant R717/NH3 at 0°C /+40°C on 1000RPM.

Cooling capacity:
450 kW/132.35 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Year of Manufacture:

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Description / remarks: 

Used single stage Grasso/GEA piston package type RC 9-11. This in good condition Grasso/GEA RC 9-11 single stage piston package is equipped with :

  • Grasso 9-cilinder piston compressor type RC9-11, V-belt driven.
  • Elektrim E-motor 200 kW / 1470 RPM – 400V - 50Hz / 1770 RPM – 460V -  60Hz / Year 2002.
  • Vertical oil separator.
  • All necessary safety devices.
  • V-belt protection cover.

Mentioned cooling capacity of 571 kW is with R717/NH³ at -10°C/+35°C at 1000 RPM.

Cooling capacity:
571 kW/167 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Absorbed power:
174 kW
Year of Manufacture:

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Description / remarks: 

Used Grasso/GEA piston package. This in very good condition direct driven piston package is equipped with :

  • 1 piece Grasso/GEA piston compressor type 612E
  • Schorch E-motor 200 kW /1480 RPM
  • All necessary safety devices

Mentioned cooling capacity of 663 kW is with R717/ammonia at 0°C/+35°C at 1480RPM.

Cooling capacity:
663 kW/195 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Absorbed power:
160 kW
Year of Manufacture:

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Description / remarks: 

Used single stage Grasso/GEA piston package type 412E. This in good condition Grasso/GEA 412E single stage piston package is equipped with :

  • Grasso 4-cilinder piston compressor type 412E
  • Schorch E-motor 132 kW /1470 RPM – 400V – 50 Hz / 1770 RPM - 460V – 60Hz
  • All necessary safety devices

Mentioned cooling capacity of 681 kW is with R717/NH³ at 0°C/+35°C at 1475 RPM.

2 in stock
Cooling capacity:
681 kW/200 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Absorbed power:
90 kW
Year of Manufacture:

Grasso-GEA RC1212 Used P-1 -895kW.jpg
Grasso-GEA RC1212 Used P-1 -895kW.jpg Grasso-GEA RC1212 Used P-2 -895kW.jpg Grasso-GEA RC1212 Used P-3 -895kW.jpg Grasso-GEA RC1212 Used P-4 -895kW.jpg Grasso-GEA RC1212 Used P-5-895kW.jpg

Description / remarks: 

Used piston package, brand Grasso/GEA type RC1212. This in very good condition piston package consists of the following main components: 

  • Grasso 12-cylinder piston compressor, type RC1212, direct driven
  • 290 kW Schorch E-motor, 995RPM
  • Vertical oil separator 
  • All safety devices / Pressure gauge set
  • Flow rate 1592 m3/h

Mentioned cooling capacity is with refrigerant R717/NH, 0°C /+40°C at 1000RPM.

Cooling capacity:
895 kW/263 tons
Type of refrigerant:
R717/Ammonia/All Freon
400 V
Year of Manufacture:

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Description / remarks: 

Used single stage cooling compressor, brand Grasso/GEA type V1400.

This is really good condition. Used cooling compressor consist of the following main components:

  • Grasso/GEA 8 cylinder/piston V1400 compressor pack
  • 250 kW E-motor, brand WEG (maximum 1190 RPM)
  • Grasso maintenance monitor

Mentioned cooling capacity of 1123kW is with refrigerant R717/NH3 at 0°C /+35°C, 1200RPM.

Cooling capacity:
1223 kW/359.70 tons
Type of refrigerant:
400 V
Absorbed power:
203 kW
Year of Manufacture:

Comron Used To Cool